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Who we are

Elaine Heyworth - Director - Risk Management & Business Continuity

Andy Fyfe - Head of Business Continuity

Business Continuity is the capability to continue delivery of services at acceptable pre-defined levels following a disruptive incident, whether the incident is due to a problem with the building, IT or other resource.

In order to plan for the continuation of services, we:

  • Research horizon scan reports and raise awareness of serious and likely future disruptive risks.
  • Support the development of pragmatic emergency arrangements.
  • Advise and coordinate the development of appropriate business continuity plans.
  • Maintain and continually improving procedures for managing serious incidents.
  • Organise business continuity exercises to rehearse staff and validate plans.


Martin Tickle - Risk Manager 

  • Primary point of contact for all Risk Management matters at Imperial and escalating as appropriate.
  • Administrator for CoreStream, Imperial's risk management information system.
  • Providing Risk Management Training and Awareness for Staff.
  • Assisting with identifying and reviewing risk information for registers for Faculties, Departments, Schools and Institutes.
  • Providing and managing the Risk Management website.
  • Working with the Director of Risk Management and the Head of Business Continuity to support Risk Management and Business Continuity across Imperial.